I will love to work with Rihanna – Stonebwoy

Stonebwoy ahead of the MTV Africa Music Awards 2016 took time out to answer some few questions from his followers on the hashtag #MTVMAMA2016.
The MTV Africa Music Awards were established in 2008 by MTV Networks Africa to celebrate the most popular contemporary music in Africa.
Scheduled to happen on 22 October, Stonebwoy spoke about Marriage, collaborations and his favorite song for 2016.
Here are the highlights!
Do you charge for a feature?
I must take care of business but I don’t do it for the money only primarily.
Who is your dream collaboration? Local & International.
I will love to work with Rihanna TuFace. Any Good act underground or Big act across Africa.
What projects are you currently working on?
Currently working on my reggae EP, and my third studio album dropping next year.
When would the world hear a collabo with you and Flowkingstone.
I’m supposed to drop my bars on a remix of his already…
Who would you want to win #BestLiveAct apart from yourself?
Where do you get dope lyrics and punches?
I get the lyrics from words the music from sounds and the delivery from power.
what Inspired “Problem”?
what inspired you to come out with the best song in the world “Run Go”?
The system inspired that song.
Please how do you see yourself in the next five to 10 years to come, being it in music or movie?
In the next 5- 10 years all I ask for is life because greater and heights coming.
Are you marrying anytime soon?
Soon, when she comes my way lol.
I wish you can do a collaboration with Mavado…
It’s highly possible we have other big Jamaican acts already done with.
What’s your favorite song and why?
Problem is my favorite now because it’s applicable to me in person.

By D.Klass GH

Samuel Amadotor, known professionally as D.Klass GH is Multiple Award Winning Ghanaian Blogger, Music Promoter, Publicist, Pharmacy Technician by Profession and the Founder of Dklassgh.Com. He has an interest in promoting Up and coming artists and has a keen interest in showcasing the talents in Volta Region. His blogging covers international artists and has affiliates around Africa to boost his reach to the targeted audience. Get In Touch if you need my service | Email: [email protected]| Call/whatsapp: 0241 444 116 Or connect with me across social media handles, @Dklassgh