Hajia4Reall feeds hundreds at the Nima central mosque (+Photos)
Mona Faiz Montagge, also known as Hajia4Reall, has fed hundreds at the NIMA Central Mosque in the days leading up to the biggest party yet to occur in 2022.
The project is a component of her corporate social responsibility program to help the less fortunate.
According to Mona, she especially picked the Nima mosque because hundreds of people congregate there every Friday to worship and because feeding them afterward will be a wonderful service to them.
She continued by stating that giving makes her naturally passionate because it gives greater benefits than getting.
She encouraged them with a word of encouragement as hundreds of people ate and drank food, water, and drinks.
Her management team and a few members of her immediate family organized the donation.
Mona4Reall comes across by many as a very supportive person who cares deeply for those ose and far and takes her social corporate responsibility very seriously.
Among some of her donations imclude donating to Darko Yaw Bentum DA Basic School to support deprived children.
Ahead of her “Big 30” which is on the 26th of June, 2022, she thought o shoeing love to her Muslim community through feeding gesture .
Amidst her several corporate social initiative, she will unveil her foundation very soon .