I’m Gonna Put Ghana Out There – Old Interview Of Ebony Revealing Her Goals Before Her Demise Surfaces


Ebony Reigns spoke to TV3 about her goals, way of life, and music career a year before she passed away.

Today being the 5th year since her demise, the popular television station has taken it upon itself to share some old experiences they had with the dancehall queen, thus sharing an interview they had with the poison hitmaker before her demise.

In the interview, Ebony talked about bringing Ghana’s music and culture to the world.

“More fantastic music, no letdowns.” I’m going to represent Ghana and be proud of Ghana.

While traveling from Sunyani to Accra in February 2018, Ebony was killed in a car accident. She had recently turned 20. Fans and celebrities from all around the nation expressed their sorrow upon hearing the news of her passing.

The music business and her followers all around the world have suffered greatly from her passing. She had a real talent that inspired many people.

Many of her fellow artists, friends, and admirers paid homage to her in her memory with songs, videos, and lyrics. Social media was swamped with words of love and best memories of her as well. She had a state burial, and hundreds of people attended her funeral.

As long as her followers spread the word about her music and life, her legacy will endure. Everyone will cherish her memories and remember her.

Source: Dklassgh.com

By Kwame Tony

Graphic designer, Muslim, Only child of my parents, Funny and love to write stories.