We Want To You To Ch0p Us ‘Skin To Skin’ And Not C0nd0m, The Feeling Is Nice – Ghanaian Lady Tells Men

A young Ghanaian lady has turned heads on social media over a statement she made in a video that has gone viral.

The lady who is in her early 20s made a case for her gender claiming that the majority of women if not all women prefer skin-to-skin intercourse.

She said ladies don’t like it when men use condoms during intimacy because it reduces the sensitivity of the skin.

The pretty lady warned that ladies would stop visiting their boyfriends if they continued to use condoms for the action.


By Samuel Amadotor

Samuel Amadotor Known in showbiz circles as D.Klass GH, Am a Stalwart Blogger/Promoter /Publicist and a Pharmacist. Follow me on Twitter/Instagram @DKLASSGH. Contact: +233241444116, Email: [email protected]