Ghanaian Man Working As A Mechanic In Canada Reveals How He Earns Over GH¢74k With No Certificate

A Ghanaian living abroad has revealed his monthly salary and claimed it has enabled him to provide a better future for his family.

Albert Appiah Kubi who is a resident in Canada claimed to be the second-in-command of a white-owned mechanic shop.

According to Albert Appiah Kubi who was interviewed by DJ Nyaami on SVTV Africa he makes $22 (GH¢327. 80) an hour.

Every day he puts in 10 to 12 hours of work earning $5000 (GH¢74499. 05) per month.

According to Albert Appiah Kubi, he saves GH¢22000 every month from his pay. He clarified that because of his obstinacy in learning a trade, his parents relocated him from Tepa to Accra after he completed his elementary school education.

He learned how to auto-spray in Accra.

Even though he had a good salary, Albert found it challenging to save a significant amount of money in Ghana.

With the intention of changing his life, he obtained a visa to Canada in 2007.

Albert had trouble with immigration procedures when he first got to Canada but his contacts made it easier for him to settle in. After just one day in Canada Albert was employed as a mechanic.

Other Ghanaians who wished to travel overseas were encouraged by Albert Appiah Kubi to learn a trade because the wages were higher overseas.

According to him, there is a constant need for skilled workers overseas.

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By Samuel Amadotor

Samuel Amadotor Known in showbiz circles as D.Klass GH, Am a Stalwart Blogger/Promoter /Publicist and a Pharmacist. Follow me on Twitter/Instagram @DKLASSGH. Contact: +233241444116, Email: [email protected]