I will never again go to the Grammys – US Rapper, Eminem blows hot

The discussion about the legitimacy of the Grammy Awards has been sparked once more, this time by one of hip-hop’s legendary artists, Eminem.

The rapper, recognized for his candid views and bold delivery, has openly criticized the Grammys, deeming the whole voting system as “fake.”

In a recent interview, Eminem openly criticized the awards organization for its supposed bias, asserting that winners are chosen due to favouritism instead of merit.

He conveyed his annoyance.

“That vote is fake as fk, that is not a real vote; they give it to who they want to give it to. If I lose to fking Kanye or someone that I’m like, okay, I respect that, I know who that is, and Kanye has a huge following, he made a massive impact on music. But don’t fking get us all here to use your selling point for your fking show and stiff everybody every single f**king time.”

The rapper from Detroit, a multiple Grammy Award winner throughout his career, expressed his lack of interest in participating in the event moving forward stating:

“Don’t ever ask me to fking come here again, please do not ask me. My answer is no, for 100 million years. Never again will I fking go to the Grammy.”


By Samuel Amadotor

Samuel Amadotor Known in showbiz circles as D.Klass GH, Am a Stalwart Blogger/Promoter /Publicist and a Pharmacist. Follow me on Twitter/Instagram @DKLASSGH. Contact: +233241444116, Email: [email protected]