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Andrew W.K’s Personal Life, Siblings, Parents, Wife, Girlfriend, Kids, Other Family and Dating History



Andrew W.K

. is an American singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, record producer, and motivational speaker known for his blend of rock, metal, and pop music. Born in Michigan, he gained fame with his debut studio album, I Get Wet. His personal life remains private, but he shares details about his family and love journey.

Andrew W.K Personal Life

. is an American singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, record producer, and motivational speaker known for his blend of rock, metal, and pop music. Born in Michigan, he began his career in the mid-1990s and moved to New York. Wilkes-Krier enjoys a balanced lifestyle with his wife, Kat Dennings, and supports charities. He gained fame with his debut studio album, I Get Wet, in 2001.

Andrew W.K Siblings

Details about Andrew W.K.'s siblings, their names, and number remain unknown. He has maintained privacy regarding his extended family and chosen not to share information publicly.

Andrew W.K Parents

Andrew W.K. has chosen to conceal information about his parents, their names, and professions from public scrutiny due to the lack of readily available information.

Andrew W.K Wife

In November 2023, Andrew W.K. married actress Kat Dennings, a surprise marriage after a rapid, supportive relationship.

Andrew W.K Children

As of December 7, Andrew W.K. and Kat Dennings do not have any children together. However, their recent marriage suggests they might consider expanding their family in the future.

Andrew W.K Other Family

Andrew W.K. has chosen to maintain privacy and anonymity by not sharing information about his extended family, including aunts, uncles, and cousins, due to limited availability.

Andrew W.K Dating History

Andrew W.K. has maintained a private dating life, avoiding media attention and focusing on discretion in his successful career.


Samuel Amadotor Known in showbiz circles as D.Klass GH, Am a Stalwart Blogger/Promoter /Publicist and a Pharmacist. Follow me on Twitter/Instagram @DKLASSGH. Contact: +233241444116, Email: [email protected]


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