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Richard Kingsmill’s Biography, Nationality, Age, Properties, Weight, Height, Records, Lifestyle, and Hobbies



Richard Kingsmill

, an Australian radio announcer and music journalist, served as the longest-serving presenter at ABC radio station triple j from 1988 until his redundancy in December 2023.

Richard Kingsmill Biography

 (born January 29, 1964) is a renowned Australian radio announcer, music journalist, and also currently the Group Music Director of triple j, triple j Unearthed, Double J, ABC Country, and ABC Local Radio. He has dedicated his career to promoting Australian music and fostering a vibrant music scene.

In 1988, Kingsmill began his career at the ABC as a producer for triple j, where he presented on-air for the first time in 1990.

He introduced and hosted shows like The J-Files and the Australian Music Show, and co-founded triple j Unearthed in 1995. Kingsmill began hosting triple j's new releases show in 1996 and presented the Hottest 100 of All Time on Rage in 2009.

Richard Kingsmill Nationality

He is an Australian citizen.

Richard Kingsmill Age

Currently, Richard is 59 years old.

Richard Kingsmill Properties

Details regarding Richard Kingsmill's properties are not publicly available due to privacy concerns. He has successfully maintained a private life outside of his professional commitments.

Richard Kingsmill Weight

 Approximately 85 kg (187 lbs)

Richard Kingsmill Height

Approximately 183 cm (6 ft)

Richard Kingsmill Records

Inducted into the Australian Commercial Radio Hall of Fame in 2014, recipient of Jack Davey Award in 2017, played key role in successful programs like “2023: the week in new music.”

Richard Kingsmill Lifestyle and Hobbies

Richard Kingsmill is a private individual, has a passion for music, travel, and spending time with loved ones. He regularly discovers new artists and genres, attends live music events, and explores different cultures. Kingsmill maintains a balance between his professional and personal life, prioritizing quality time with family and friends.


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