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“I Am Not A Superstar” – Medikal Confesses



According to Samuel Adu Frimpong, popularly known as , he's been referred to be a superstar, but he hasn't yet reached that level.

He stated that he has a desire to achieve better things and that he cannot call himself a superstar until he achieves that aim.

During an interview on Kingdom FM on Thursday, May 27, the 2019 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards “Rapper of the Year” winner revealed this.

He told Fiifi Pratt, “I haven't even reached 1% of my ambitions.” “I'm about to begin.” That's why I'll need your assistance to get to the place where God wants me to be.”

When asked if Ghana had any superstars, he highlighted Shatta Wale, the dancehall musician, and added that he isn't even close to him.

“Of course, Ghana has its share of superstars. “One of them is Shatta Wale,” he said. “I don't even come close to being on his level.”

He claimed he wouldn't call himself a superstar until he gets to where God wants him to be.

“It's great that some people think of me as a superstar, but I just want you to know that I have a lot of work to do and that I want to reach to a particular level, but I'm nowhere near superstar,” he ended.



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