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Pregnant Yvonne Nelson Leads the Charge at ‘Dumsor Must Stop’ Vigil in Accra (Video)



Pregnant Yvonne Nelson Leads the Charge at 'Dumsor Must Stop' Vigil in Accra (Video)

Ghanaian actress , renowned for her activism, was recently seen looking allegedly heavily pregnant at the “Dumsor Must Stop” vigil held on the streets of Accra.

This vigil is part of a larger movement protesting the recurring power outages, known locally as “Dumsor,” that have severely impacted daily life and businesses in Ghana.

has been a vocal advocate for resolving the dumsor crisis, leveraging her influence to raise awareness and demand action from the authorities.

Her attendance at the event, despite her advanced pregnancy, underscores her unwavering dedication to the cause.

Yvonne Nelson
Yvonne Nelson

The vigil brought together many concerned citizens, united in their demand for a stable and reliable power supply.

Nelson's participation serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for sustainable solutions to Ghana's energy problems and highlights the critical role of public figures in championing social issues.

Watch video below

Source: Dklassgh.Com

Samuel Amadotor, known professionally as D.Klass GH is Multiple Award Winning Ghanaian Blogger, Music Promoter, Publicist, Pharmacy Technician by Profession and the Founder of Dklassgh.Com. He has an interest in promoting Up and coming artists and has a keen interest in showcasing the talents in Volta Region. His blogging covers international artists and has affiliates around Africa to boost his reach to the targeted audience. Get In Touch if you need my service | Email: [email protected]| Call/whatsapp: 0241 444 116 Or connect with me across social media handles, @Dklassgh


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