Kelvyn Brown, better known by his stage name Kelvyn Boy, The Ghanaian Afrobeat singer, has debuted his new hairstyle on social media. Kelvyn Boy, who is known...
Takum, a rising Ghanaian musician, has accused Kelvin Brown, also known as Kelvyn Boy,Ghanaian Afrobeat badman. In a recent interview with Andy Dosty on Hitz FM,...
Afrobeat is one of the most popular genres in Africa, and it has helped to spread African music and talent. Almost all of Africa’s musical styles...
Earlier this morning, one netizen tried to suggest that talented Afrobeats musician, Kelvynboy was an ungrateful person because he failed to share anything that had to do with...
Ghanaian Afro-beatz artist, Kelvyn boy has in a humorous way, turned down a request from a fan for some money to support her family during the...