Volta Music Top 10 Countdown: 2020 Week 30

Volta Music Top 10 Countdown: 2020

Volta Music Top 10 Countdown. Top 10 music Trending in Volta!! Volta Music Top 10 Chart  #VoltaMusicTop10  #Week30.

its new week again and According to our research during the week, these are the top 10 Songs trending in Volta.

Volta Music Top 10 Countdown: 2020 Week 30. Fast Rising Musician, Gameli tops the chart this week with Gbogbo featuring Rapper Jessy.

Ghanaian Singer Dzidu drops to number 2 on the chart this week after topping the chart with Ablavi Featuring JJ Gonami .  for two weeks.

Week 30 saw two new entering with Lightman’s new single “My Baby” at Number 9 spot for the week and “Lies and Fame” by Dj Kobo featuring Remy J, Zygee, Koo Ntakra & Amerado at Number 10.

Volta Music Top 10 Countdown: 2020 Week 30

Do Listen to Kaleawo Fm every Friday Night with Dj Amor from 8:30 pm – 10 pm, Swiss FM 93.7Mhz on Saturday evening as Dj Flexal reviews the list from 1 pm -4 pm, Sela Radio Saturdays 3 pm – 6 pm  & Sundays on shine 96.9Fm with Dj Stephen 9 am -12 pm. All songs will be Played.

Listen to the Songs below


By D.Klass GH

Samuel Amadotor, known professionally as D.Klass GH is Multiple Award Winning Ghanaian Blogger, Music Promoter, Publicist, Pharmacy Technician by Profession and the Founder of Dklassgh.Com. He has an interest in promoting Up and coming artists and has a keen interest in showcasing the talents in Volta Region. His blogging covers international artists and has affiliates around Africa to boost his reach to the targeted audience. Get In Touch if you need my service | Email: [email protected]| Call/whatsapp: 0241 444 116 Or connect with me across social media handles, @Dklassgh