BRYAN THE MENSAH — he is not your usual Musician who wants to do things the ordinary way. He always comes up with something unique yet finely intriguing to keep you locked on his music. This even extends to his music video concepts and how the visuals are put together to tell the exact stories and messages he wants to send across.
It was a jaw-dropping moment when BRYAN THE MENSAH publicly announced the title of his soon to be released EP as “I DONT FEEL LIKE GOING OUTSIDE”. Before one could have any idea why he picked such an unusual title for an EP, he dropped a tweet that says (screenshot below):

“I DONT FEEL LIKE GOING OUTSIDE” has a very distinct artwork which visibly stands out differently from an artwork anyone would choose for an EP.
Watch new video “Don’t Forget” by Bryan on YouTube: HoeKVVdYY-4
Well, be on the lookout for the much anticipated EP from the “Menses” artiste come February 21, 2020!

Album preorder is available from February 16, 2020. Follow him on his social media connects here:
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram: @BRYANTHEMENSAH