Fine TV3 journalist Anita Akuffo has been the center of discussion on Twitter after a video was posted by a netizen trying to discredit the popular journalist.
In the video, Anita Akuufo could be seen holding an object that looks exactly like a vibrator; however, she is denying it being a vibratoer but a massger. Despite all the claims, the journalist took to Twitter and wrote:
It’s for massaging. Thats what Miss NANCY MENTIONED BECAUSE SHE BRINGED IT. Get the full conversation of what we were talking about before you post snippets of a video to suit your narrative. This was on the afternoon show on TV3. Thanks.
They won’t share your work, but they will share a few seconds of a 1-hour conversation just for the agenda. Anyway,The Afternoon Show airs from Monday through Thursday at 2-4 p.m. on TV3. Tune in so you are not misled by soundless videos with funny captions on social media, she added.